Raconteur Denver

21 - Kirsten Lewis - First Denver Anything

Episode Summary

Kirsten Lewis on the topic of First Denver Anything, from a Raconteur event recorded at Leon Gallery on November 3rd.

Episode Notes

Kirsten Lewis on the topic of First Denver Anything, from a Raconteur event recorded at Leon Gallery on November 3rd.

About Kirsten

As a working family photojournalist, keynote speaker and well respected educator in the photography industry, the majority of Kirsten’s time is spent traveling throughout the US and worldwide for work, so any time spent at home in Colorado is precious and savored. She has appeared on Creative Live, Craftsy, in the Huffington Post and passed out on various couches during much of her 20s. In her spare time Kirsten can be found accosting her 6 month old daughter with kisses, retrieving the ball she’s thrown for her dog Mingus and kicking her husband’s ass in Scrabble.


Visit raconteurdenver.com to see upcoming events, speaker bios, and more!

Raconteur Denver is hosted by Amber Blais and Michael Edwards.

This show will always be distributed freely, but we thrive on the generous donations of our fans. If you enjoy the show check out the Raconteur Patreon!

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